Rainbow Treasure Glow
How To
Understanding LE's

Possessed Child -Mod-

v1.2 Release Notes:


  • Fixed all tuning errors a
  • Huge Thanks to ScarletsRealm for educating me on their potential harm and suggesting helpful tools to identify them.
  • Sims with CUSTOM immortality traits will now be able to die for deaths occurring from the Deadly Toddlers -Mod-

Huge Thanks to Frankk for helping with the script! ♥

  • Un-merged the mod's files to separate packages to improve performance.
  • Changed the scary moodlets mood type from Tense to Scared.
  • The Possessed Child will now teleport to the correct position before starting the killing animation in case the game failed to route him to the intended location properly, this will only happen if the routing didn't go as intended to prevent the animation playing at the wrong location.
  • Sims who kick the Possessed Child will now teleport to the correct position before starting the kick animation in case the game failed to route them to the intended location properly.
  • The possessed child should now spawn directly in front of his grave when his name is chanted
  • Improved the way the Possessed Child targets sims.
  • Restricted the possessed child's basic autonomy so that he focuses on killing.
  • Fixed a bug where a random sim died instead of the attacked sim when the Possessed Child murdered them.
  • Removed flashing effects from the death interactions except for the lightning strike death.
  • Removed the Llama ghost effect from the Possessed Child's effects.
  • The soul steal + lightning strikes kills is now limited to 3 sims who are around the possessed child when he performs the killing interactions.
  • Improved blood puddle texture and reflections and decreased it's size.
  • Sims can now be revived/resurrected successfully for all deaths occurring from the mod.


Additional Credits:


  • Huge thanks to OnyxAngel, Sulpicia, ViralKat, and anyone else who help out in my discord server & offer assistance with reports and updates I appreciate you so much .
  • Thank you all so much for your support and for being patient with the update times, I hope that you'll enjoy the update.