Life's Drama -Mod-
V 2.1.1 Release Notes:
-Say Something Nice To And Save Dialog (From/To Text File)
-Say Something Mean To And Save Dialog (From/To Text File)
-Say Something Flirty To And Save Dialog (From/To Text File)
-Each interaction type (Nice, Mean, Flirty) has its unique text file, each time that you run the interaction, a random dialog will be picked from the text file and will be used as a starting template, you can still edit the dialog before saying it.
-Whenever you enter a new dialog and choose to say it, it gets saved to one of the text files according to the interaction type and will be used for future dialogs of the same interaction.
-You can edit the text file manually outside of the game to add/remove new dialogs...
Each dialog is separated in a new line and follows this format:
Title: Body Text
Title2: Body Text2
Anything that you insert before the colons : will be the title of the dialog, and anything that you insert after the colons : will be the body text of the dialog on that line.
-The title & body text are optional, you can choose to only insert a title alone or a body text alone using this format:
Title: (Empty)
(Empty): Body Text
Without adding the (Empty) term, it's just to explain that it should be left empty.
You can also delete any unwanted dialogs from the text file by simply erasing them from the text file.
-This feature is totally optional, you don't have to modify the text file if you don't want to, the game will automatically save the new dialogs to the text file once you insert them using the interaction in the game.
Additionally, the 3 interactions will show up in the cheat menu (Shift + Click On Sim) if you have "TestingCheats On" cheat enabled.
I've added an option to the mod's options to disable the interactions from showing up in the cheat menu if you don't want them there.
V 2.1 Release Notes:
-Say Something Nice.
-Say Something Mean.
-Say Something Flirty.
Huge thanks to Frankk @frankkulakmods For helping me with this last year and making it possible.
Huge thanks to @TURBODRIVER + Frankk for providing a script to make the custom interaction to work properly ♥
V 2.0.6 Release Notes: